Friday, February 25, 2011

Campaign to increase Black Adoption

Is is a well known fact that African American children are adopted at a lesser rate than White children. However, few know what is being done about it. A few years a go a study, by the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute, showed that African American children make up 15% of American children. However, they make up 32% of the 510,000 children in the Foster care system. Although there was a law passed, the Multiethnic Placement Act passed in 1994, that said that it is illegal to delay/deny adoption because of race.   In response the these reports, the Advertising Council created ads, after requests from AdoptUsKids to promote African American adoption.  To commercials were direct toward a primarily African American audience, since they are more likely to adopt Black children (Single, Black women make up 2/3 of Black adoptive parents). It is great to know that there is research being done and that people are taking notice of the lack of Black adoption, but we nee more.  We need more families, not just African Americans, to adopt Black children. It is a disservice to Black children that they are being forgotten about. Every child deserves a loving environment to grow up in; regardless of gender or race.
~Courtesy of USA Today, 2009  


  1. It is very upset how many African-American children are not getting adopted. It is also very upsetting how children of other countires, who are mainly African, are getting adopted by white celebrities, but the children here are not even considered. I believe that there needs to be some type of promotion for adopting African-American. People need to show that they are no different from any other orphan in this country, or even the world. They all just have one need: to be in a family.

  2. Funny you say that I just posted something on that very subject. You should check it out, and thanks for the comment.
